Author Archives: Administrator

A successful return from the World Chin Woo Championships in Malaysia

NSW Chin Woo’s athletes have now returned from their highly successful expedition to the World Chin Woo Championships & Malaysia Chin Woo 100th Anniversary Celebration, held in Penang and Ipoh.

Our 35-athlete strong team had an excellent showing at the event, collecting 11 Gold medals, 25 Silver and 48 Bronze in individual events, as well as a Bronze placing for Group.

A huge congratulations to all invovled, especially to the huge number of first-time competitors on an international stage!

2024 Gala Dinner

This year a record number of participants will be travelling from NSW Chin Woo to represent Australia at the 17th World Chin Woo Championships in Malaysia. With 36 athletes competing, we will have the second largest team in attendance from anywhere in the world!

Our members and athletes have been working hard all year to prepare for this competition, learning and practicing two traditional Chin Woo forms as well as their own freestyle routines. We would love to have your support in celebrating these personal and regional achievements, so please join us for a Gala Dinner and Fundraising celebration!

Gala Dinner at The Phoenix Restaurant, Rhodes
Date: Sunday, June 30th at 6.30pm
Location: Phoenix Restaurant, Rhodes Shopping Centre, 1 Rider Blvd, Rhodes
VIP tickets: $100pp
VIP table: $1100 (12 seats)
General admission tickets: $75pp
General admission table: $840 (12 people)

To secure your tickets, please contact Shifu Alice Bei Dong on 0414 281 098 or Angela Mak on 0432 809 423.

NSW Chin Woo Athlete Wins IWUF Award

Congratulations to NSW Chin Woo’s very own Sherman Mak for being awarded the 2023 IWUF Athlete of the Year Award. Sherman is one of our valued Executive Commitee members and Chin Woo Wushu instructors. A great honour and a well-deserved one!

Master Harvey Lee Workshop February 2024

“Tai Chi Quan as a complete stand-up martial art”

The health benefits of Tai Chi Quan have been welcomed and recognised worldwide, but as a stand-up mar<al art, the efficacy of Tai Chi Quan is increasingly being questioned. This mo<vated Master Harvey Lee to strengthen the combat skills in his Tai Chi Quan teaching. Based on the concept of Tai Chi Quan, he summarised his years of traditional martial arts training experience and combined this with modern combat training methods; his teaching formed a complete training system for Tai Chi as a stand-up martial art. At the Academy’s weekly teaching sessions, students achieved great improvement in their Tai Chi combat skills.

An afternoon seminar will be held to help Tai Chi practitioners and martial arts enthusiasts understand the theore<cal framework of Tai Chi Quan for combat, and how to transfer the Tai Chi form practice to combat training.

Tai Chi Quan as a complete stand-up mar<al art Agenda includes:

  • Talks on Tai Chi gong fa, combat training and their applications.
  • Forms and application demonstrations
  •  Push hands and Sparing drills 

DATE: 17/02/2024 (SATURDAY)
TIME: 2pm – 5pm (Registration opens at 1.45pm)
VENUE: Fitzroy Centre, 22 Church Street, Burwood 2134
COST: $50 per person
Enquiries James at 0415 270 703

RSVP with payment by 15/02/2024

Please transfer money to guarantee your place:
Account Name: Harvey Lee Tai Chi Academy
At the Reference: Your full name, Seminar
BSB 062 188 Account: 1078 0987

And email Lily ( to confirm payment. Cash payment at the door (max attendance 50 people)

2023 End of Year Highlights

Highlights from 2023!

Thank you to all our wonderful members, athletes and organising committee for making 2023 a great year for NSW Chin Woo.

We’ve put together some photos from the events of the year and here is our President’s Report from our AGM:

January 1st, 2023: NSW Chin Woo members and performance team travelled to Nantien Temple to perform for the new year celebration. 20 athletes performed to represent NSW Chin Woo and Chinese martial arts.

January 20: NSW Chin Woo members and athletes performed for the Star City Casino New Year Gala, including a group performance of Gongliquan

January 22: A small group of NSW Chin Woo athletes performed in Chinatown for City of Sydney Council’s Chinese New Year celebrations

April 22: NSW Chin Woo organised and hosted an Open Day Workshop, which included performances of traditional Chin Woo forms and a workshop on Mizongquan, which was well attended by members.

April 23: NSW Chin Woo athletes performed traditional forms including Bengbuquan, Gongliquan and Baguadao at Buddha’s Birthday multicultural festival in Darling Harbour

June 11: Australian National Championships, NSW Chin Woo had a team representing Chin Woo Martial Arts. A group performed Mizongquan and received bronze for the group category, as well as individual performances.

August 13: President Dong attended the Eastwood Group 15 year anniversary, representing NSW Chin Woo.

August 23-28: NSW Chin Woo members represented Australia at the 9th World International Kungfu Championships in Emei, China. This was a good opportunity for Australian athletes to meet and network with other international athletes and represent Chinese Martial arts as practised in NSW, Australia.

September 14: President Dong attended a traditional Wushu seminar, organised by Hebei Bao Ding Chin Woo Association.
September 30: NSW Chin Woo members and athletes attended the Moon Festival Celebration organised by TCAA in Burwood Park, performing a mixed performance including Emeijian and Qinyanggun.

October 9: President Dong attended a meeting with Shanghai Chin Woo committee members including the new President and vice presidents in Shanghai, China. At the same time a meeting was held to discuss the 2024 Chin Woo competition categories. President Dong’s expertise was requested to consult on the standard of Wushu and Kungfu being represented by international Chin Woo federations.

October: NSW Chin Woo member and athlete Sherman Mak was announced as IWUF’s Athlete of the Month. This elevated the exposure of traditional martial arts as taught and practised in Australia.

October 22: Master Kevin Lo, a previous President of NSW Chin Woo, sadly passed away. All members of NSW Chin Woo expressed their great sadness and remembrances of his contributions to the Association. President Dong and members attended his funeral and memorial service, to offer condolences on behalf of the Association.

November 11: Members, family and friends came together to share food, socialise, share their kung fu skills with performances and dancing. It was a great end to the year!

RIP Master Kevin Lo

It is with heavy hearts and great sadness that we have learnt of the passing of Shifu Kevin Lo, former chairperson and one of the founders of NSW Chin Woo.

A message from the current President of NSW Chin Woo, Alice Bei Dong:

I am very sad to tell you that our NSW Chin Woo Honourable Chairperson Master Kevin Lo, passed away last Sunday, 22/10.
I am shocked and in disbelief. He started practicing martial arts at a very young age and made a great contribution to the establishment of NSW Chin Woo in Australia. He also was second Chairperson in 2001 to 2002, and has always loved and supported Chin Woo. On behalf of all Chin Woo colleagues, I would like to express my deepest condolences for his passing. We hope that his family will have peace of mind.
Rest in peace.

Master James Fu Traditional Yang Taijiquan Workshop


Internationally acclaimed 6th Generation Yang Family Lineage Master James Fu is visiting Sydney for the first time to teach a single day workshop on Traditional Yang Style Taijiquan. Don’t miss this rare opportunity. Limited places available!

Traditional Yang Style Taiji Quan Workshop
Monday, June 12, 2023
$280pp All Day Workshop
31 Park Road, Marrickville NSW 2204
Wilkins Public School

Celebration and Farewell Dinner
Sunday, June 18, 2023
53 Agincourt Rd, Marsfield NSW 2122
Curzon Hall

$400 Workshop + Dinner Package

To book, please  contact Shifu Alice Bei Dong via 0414 281 098 or email

Payments may be made by cash or by bank transfer to the details below:

BSB Number: 112-879
Account Number: 480765247
Account Name: Bei Dong

The Master of Taichi — James Fu (Fu Qingquan)

At the age of five, inspired and instructed by both his grandfather Fu Zhongwen and his father Fu Shengyuan, he began to learn Taijiquan. Since then, his reputation and acclaim has blossomed in both China and around the world as one of the inheritors of the national intangible cultural heritage, Yang Style Taijiquan. Coupled with his talent in martial arts and unique teaching style, he has gained the reputation of “The Young Master of Tai Chi”.

Included in his formidable list of accomplishments and titles are:
– Chairman of the World Yongnian Taijiquan Federation
– Dean of Australia Fu Shengyuan International Taiji Academy
– Expert judge in the CCTV Martial Conference
– Privileged lecturer among the masters in Chinese Martial Lectures
– Master of Yang Style 85-movement Traditional Taijiquan
– Visiting instructor of Handan Academy
– Chief coach of Jingwu Shanghai Sports Federation and
– President of Hong Kong Taijiquan Association.

Since the late 1980s, at the invitation of foreign friends, he spread and taught Taijiquan in more than 40 countries and regions in Europe, Asia, America, Africa, and Oceania, together with his grandfather and his father. In the past 20 years, with a strong sense of responsibility and mission, Fu Qingquan began to think about the prospects and further development of Taijiquan, and reinforced the subtle relationship between Taijiquan and Taichi culture, and the positive influence of practicing Taijiquan on physical and mental health.

With more than 40 years experience, Fu Qingquan has his own ways of practicing, teaching and understanding Taijiquan, and his unique and humorous teaching style has attracted a large number of people from all over the world to follow him and learn Taijiquan from him. In order to promote Taijiquan and spread Taiji culture, Fu Qingquan has done his best to be the real master of Tai Chi, and has become a profound communicator and outstanding instructor of the Yang Style Taijiquan.

2023 Kung Fu Wushu Australia National Championships

Kung Fu Wushu NSW will host the 2023 Australian Kung Fu Wushu National Championships.
  • Sunday June 11th 2023
  • BadmintonWorx Yennora
  • Unit 7 B/26 Nelson Road
  • Yennora, Sydney, NSW
The Championship will showcase Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Wushu and Sanda Full Contact Sparring. 

It’s going to be Amazing! To register, go to Eventbrite here:

We can’t wait to see you there!

Kung Fu Open Day & Workshop

Join us for an introduction to traditional Chin Woo forms AND a workshop on Mizongquan, the original form taught by legendary Chin Woo founder Huo Yuanjia!

Next year the World Chin Woo championships will be held in Malaysia, so this is a great chance to see some of the eligible forms and learn Mizongquan. We’ll provide more information about the competition at the Open Day.

WHEN: Saturday, April 22 – 1-5pm
WHERE: North Ryde School of Arts Community Centre, 201 Coxs Rd, North Ryde
WORKSHOP: Demonstrations of different hand and weapon forms by Chin Woo instructors including straight sword and spear. Workshop for Mizongquan – Huo Yuanjia’s signature form.

COST: $40 members / $50 non-members.

No need to register your interest, just come on the day. If you have any enquiries, message Krista or Angela or email

Chin Woo Competition Video Reference

NSW Chin Woo have compiled an extensive video library of all forms eligible for the World Chin Woo Championships and their respective age groups. We expect the competition will go ahead next year under the same rule set proposed last time. If you wish to complete, please take the time to review the videos below to determine your focus for the coming year’s training.

Group A (Under 12)

Group B (13-17)

Group C (18-40)

Group D (41-60)

Group E (61+)

1st NSW Chin Woo Festival Success!

The 2022 NSW Chin Woo Wushu Festival was a great success, not only due to the involvement of more than 130 performers, but also with the great support from all committee members, Chin Woo members, volunteers, all martial art friends and their families.

The Festival brought together Chinese martial arts practitioners and spectators from across New South Wales, proudly supported by Multicural NSW and our family of sponsors.

The Executive Committee hope everyone can maintain this spirit and continue the passion for martial arts!

Master Harvey Lee Internal Martial Art Combat Seminar

Master Lee is an internal style martial art instructor withover three decades of teaching experience in Sydney, Australia. Inheriting the martial art style from Grandmaster Bai Qingzhai, his training system includes the soft essence of Tai Chi Chuan and the explosive power of Canon fist (San Huang Pao Chui Quan).

In recent years, through a great deal of research and exploration, Master Harvey Lee
adopted some modern combat training methods and techniques into his internal martial art training system that effectively remedies the lack of systematic antagonistic training in the process of inheritance of Tai Chi Chuan and some of other Chinese traditional martial arts.

The seminar is on Saturday 3rd Dec, 1.30-5.30pm.

Wushu Festival Dress Rehearsal

A full dress rehearsal for the NSW Chin Woo Wushu Festival will be held at Don Moore Community Centre on Friday 4th November.

All members participating in the Gong Li Quan group performance are strongly urged to attend!

2022 Chin Woo Training

NSW Chin Woo Term 2 Wu Shu training class will be held on every Wednesday night 8-10pm at North Ryde School of Arts Community Centre (201 Coxs Road, North Ryde) from 18/5/2022 onwards.

Instructors: Sherman Mak, Angela Mak
Class: Gong Li Quan revision, Stick and Sword techniques, Qun Yang Gun (群羊棍), Emei Jian (峨嵋劍)
Charge: $10 per class
Enquiry and register: Angela 0432310333

Kind reminder: Term 1 training class is still at Meadowbank (Shepherd’s Bay Community Centre) on Monday nights 2/5/22 & 9/5/22.

Chin Woo President Alice Dong’s media interview with CRI

NSW Chin Woo President, Alice Dong, recently was interviewed by CRI as part of the overseas Chinese radio programme series. In the programme, she introduced the history and evolution of NSW Chin Woo and how Chin Woo promotes Chinese martial arts in Australia. China Radio International (CRI) is China’s only state-level radio and television media organization specializing in international communications.

The interview starts from 9:50 and was conducted in Chinese.

News & Updates

It’s been a very busy period for NSW Chin Woo, starting with our hugely successful Drought Relief event in Eastwood Mall on September 16th. After a wonderful afternoon of Kung Fu & Tai Chi performances, we successfully raised over $2,000 to be donated to Australian farmers effected by the long-running Drought. Thank you to all our members and friends for their contributions to the event!

We’ve also been very active for this year’s Moon Festival, with members performing at celebration events in Eastwood, Ryde, Meadowbank and Redfern. 

October is shaping up to be an exciting month as well, with a number of NSW Chin Woo members competing in the  2018 IWUF Oceania Championships to be held in Melbourne on October 21st. Good luck to all our Chin Woo affiliated athletes! It’s sure to be a great event!

School holiday Bajiquan Workshop

School Holidays Workshop Announcement!

Bajiquan Workshop with Master Mark Sun.

NSW Chin Woo Association is hosting the first workshop of the year: an introduction to the traditional martial art of Bajiquan with instructor Mark Sun.

NSW Chin Woo Association Members / Students and Children: $30
Non-Members: $45

Bajiquan is an explosive, close-range wushu style from the Hebei Province.

Master Sun is an eight-generation instructor of Bajiquan from Cangzhou and international wushu gold medallist.

  • When: Sunday, 16th July 2017
  • Time: 10am to 12.30pm
  • Where: Wilkins Public School in Marrickville.
  • To register interest, please contact Shifu Alice: 0414281098